Your Spiritual journey

I believe that every human being is on a spiritual journey, that is the nature of being.

The question is more about were the journey is taking us and if we are aware that we are on the journey?

The moment a person can step back and ”awake” to their life with a new sense of being in this world is when they begin to experience spiritual awakening. Other words to describe this might be bliss or enlightenment but whatever we like to call it and whether we are aware of it or not, this journey is the journey of a lifetime. 

let’s invite the mysteries of life...

Life is full of big unknowns, questions that humans have been pondering for ages. These mysteries is not possible to solv with the logical mind. Who can ever tell what came first, the seed or the plant?

It’s our certainty that can restrict our mystical experiences. The explorations of the unknown require us to unlearn. We need to start see through all the layers of conditioning that restrict us from seeing the true. Our rational mind likes the familiar and known and is constantly seeking concrete facts, but life’s secrets are incomprehensible to the logical mind. It can’t be learned from books. It needs to be embraced, breathed and lived. It has to be felt with our entire being, including our body, soul, heart and mind. It’s through your direct experience your consciousness will expands.

Working with the mysteries is mysterious. You need to tap into your heart and let your soul step forward. Give space for feelings, imaginations , intuition, creativity and whispers. Can you lean into what you don’t know for sure instead of what you do know for sure.

Spiritual awakening can happen spontaneously… 

but many times it’s triggered by major life changes or traumas. Your path to awakening can be paved with anything that inspires (or compels) you to look at you life from a spiritual perspective. Sometimes there’s just a feeling that something is missing in your life. And since everything starts with the curiosity itself, exploring this is the starting point to living life in more alignment.

Living a spiritual life is a journey of remembrance. Remembering who we truly are. Remembering that you are a soul in this divine human body. When you live in alignment with that place, thats when you can can lean into the wisdom you already hold within you. Living you higher self. 

If we want to live a soul-led life we need to develop a relationship with our soul and let it step forward and lead us. This is a practice of leaning into the unknown, allowing yourself to be guided by the wisdom within. A practice of letting go and coming home to your self. When you let go, you can pursue your true calling and discover what your path on earth is. 

Open the door into the unknown with new eyes and curious hearts. See that the sacred is in everything and within.


Creating an altar


The Soul