Creating an altar
I am a big believer that it can be very powerful to create a special place so you can step into that sacred space within you.
To be able to more fully step into your spiritual practice and exploring the mysterious unseen world, it can be helpful to create an altar that represents your sacred space. For millennia, religious rituals and sacred architecture have been using altar work. It is a way to communicate with your spirituality. It can serve as a visual representation of your commitments, intentions and spiritual beliefs.
create an altar
Find a space in your home were there is place for you to sit or lay down. Let it be an intuitive process and choose the space that feels the best. Your altar doesn’t have to look in any particular way. It can be a whole room or just a tiny space but preferably, a quiet spot with a little privacy. If you like you can energetically cleanse the space by burning some incense (i.e White sage or Palo Santo), there are many beautiful smudging kit to find on the market.
Find your objects that you want to place on your altar. Don’t make it complicated, there is absolutely no need to go out and by new things to place here. Same goes as when to find your place, use your intuition to to find what you want place on your altar. Let it be things that speaks to you. It can be just one object or a set of objects that have spiritual significance to you and represents what you would like to connect and work with at the moment. It could be flowers, crystals, candles, different objects from nature, photographs, memories, symbols that represent deities or spiritual guides. The sky is the limit here. If writing is part of your practice you can also place your journal at your altar. The beauty of building your own altar is that you can choose whatever is calling you, and from that place you create your unique sacred space.
Make it simple and true for you
If you don’t know where to start your altar can be just a place for a candle to light during your meditation. It could be anything small that reminds you of what you’d like to cultivate more of in your life. Then, when or if you feel ready, you can slowly add what fells right to you. This is your unique place where you can sit or lay down and perform your own rituals. Over time, the energy of your meditations, gratitude practices and intention work adds up and feed your altar that in turn will give back energy every time you return.
The powerful thing with having an altar in your own home is that it’s a beautiful way to cultivate a little sacred space in your everyday life. It will work as a lovingly reminding for you to come back to your mediation, spiritual rituals, inspiration and healing practice.
It’ll remind you of connecting to your spirit. I mention it over and over again, the key to living a more spiritual life is making it a consistent practice. To cultivate a more frequent self-care practice turn to your altar for 10 minutes a day. Make it a part of your daily life to spend some time meditation, setting intention or journaling.
Having a space that is exclusively yours and expresses your values is a way to honor oneself. You may notice that it might even gradually change your energy and mood just to entering into the space.