The Soul

I believe that connecting with your inner sacred place is connecting with your soul.

When you shift your gaze within, do you ever feel as though you’ve “come home”? If you practice meditation often, perhaps you are familiar with this feeling. Whenever I invite stillness and turn inwards this feeling of Home flows through my entire body like a river of life. I feel more connected to my true inner self, like I’ve dropped in to my heart, dropped in to my inner sacred temple.

I believe that we are much more than just flesh and bones

I believe that we are souls having a human experience on earth and that the soul is an ancient part of us. I believe that everyone is born with the ability to connect with their own soul, it is not a special gift limited to a special few. The sacred exist within all being, you just need to look within. When you commit to go within on a regular basic you will start to notice the shift in living. I know that connecting inwards can be challenging and that it often requires a lot of practice because it’s a training. However, it doesn’t have to be complicated and take a lot of time.


The key is repetition and committing to a consistent daily practice. Turning to a practice that you believe in and that resonates with you is important though. Don’t make it complicated, it can be only 10 minutes a day. It can be as simple as just resting, laying down on the earth listening to your favorite music or walking in nature. Perhaps your practice is dancing, meditating, yoga or writing/journaling. Allow yourself to be led by that place within you. Life becomes so much easier when you align yourself with your soul.

A quick way to arrive to your soul is to sit or lay down, close your eyes, take a few deeper breaths and feel how your body is letting go and starts dropping into the earth. You can place a hand to your hart and turn your attention here. Breathing into your heartspace. Allow yourself to just rest here with your full awareness, breathing and feeling into your heart. Stay for as long as you want. 
Whatever your practice is…

allow it to be part of your day to day life and you’ll notice how this small shift in living is revolutionary. By looking within, we’ll discover that we are inextricably linked to something much, much larger than ourselves. This place within you is connected to everything in the universe. By inviting a regular practice you are consciously choosing to connect to your Higher self and your inner wisdom, rather than being influences by the outside world.  

It does take commitment and changes to get to know your self on a deeper level. But ultimately that’s the purpose, so that you can connect more freely, experience the sacred in the physical, and live a more aligned life.

Although our soul is constantly communicating with us, it will take some courage for us to start listening to that inner voice. Committing turning inwards is the first step. When connecting to this sacred place within you, you’ll start hearing your inner voice more clearly. It’s not like the sometimes quite harsh, loud voice of our minds. Your inner voice is speaking to you in a much more subtle way through whispers, dreams, longings, yearnings and feelings. It’s this feeling of just Knowing that fills you up when something feels deeply true to you. 

The voice of our soul is our intuition which speaks to us through our senses. You can train your mind to hear your soul by practicing surrender to that voice within. Allow yourself to be intuitive. It doesn’t have to be complicated it can be really simple. One practice you can do to connect to your soul is by asking yourself, ”what is my soul telling me to do today”. Try to listen to that whisper from within. What is the message you get and and how can you act on that today. Trust your inner wisdom and take baby step towards that direction right now.

This is how you can live a more soul-led life. 

Your Spiritual journey


HOME, Imelda May