A simple and powerful check-in practice

Everything in life is always changing, just like nature. Birth, blooming and death are all part of the cycle of life. Acknowledging the ever-changing nature of everything around us, as well as within us, brings understanding of what we are facing in life right now, and how we can best nurture ourselves through the changes. Take a moment to go through the four stages outlined below and note your responses. Consider which of these stages is most relevant to you in this present moment, then write down what baby step you can take today to move in that direction.


Seeds have the potential to grow and blossom into something beautiful, but they need patience and care. In order for them to blossom, they must be planted into the soil and kept in the darkness. Once conditions are right and trust is put into life's timing, a seed will begin to bud and bloom into something beautiful. The message of the seed is to have patience and trust. To nurture and nourish ourselves.

What needs to be looked after with tenderness in your life?


The bud is a symbol of potential, representing the dream that has been held in the earth and nurtured throughout winter. In order for it to blossom, it needs tending. The bud is a reminder that our lives are overflowing with potential, excitement and hope; inviting us to show up and create what we are being called to bring forth. Allow your creativity to be expressed into something beautiful.

How can you tap into your joyful creative flow and follow what sparks your heart and soul?


The bloom stands for the part of our lives that is flourishing; what in your life is going well right now? Celebrate your successes, no matter how big or small. Every accomplishment is worth acknowledging, so take the time to enjoy your hard work. This serves as a reminder to savor and bask in the moment. The effort you've put in has brought you here. Don't take it for granted, nothing last forever, enjoy it now and when it’s time to let go, you let the petals return to the earth.

What is in full bloom for you? What are you proud of and want to celebrate?


We often hold on to things too tightly, afraid of letting go of the familiar and embracing the unknown. Clinging on to things for too long only causes us to struggle. Part of life and the ever-changing pulse within us, and all around us is acknowledging when it's time to let go. In order for rebirth to happen, we need to release and give way for transformation and new things to emerge. Rebirth will come, but before that, immerse yourself in the process of letting go and surrendering.

What is it that you need to let go of?