Shakti - the divine feminine energy
Shakti is the embodiment of power, a creative force that permeates everything in the universe. She is the force behind the cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth. She is the growth and change, the never-ending rhythm of the universe and the unstoppable process of creation and destruction.
In Hindu mythology Shiva and Shakti symbolize the male and female energy of the cosmos with Shiva being the masculine force and Shakti the feminine energy. Together, they embody the perfect balance of opposites that is essential to existence. Shakti is everything that can be experienced, the energy of creation and the force behind all of life. Shiva symbolizes all that is abstract and intangible like thoughts and consciousness, serving as a container for the Shakti energy. Activating the Shakti energy is an empowering process that can help us become our most authentic self.
Yogic teachings depict the inner Shakti energy, or Kundalini energy, as a coiled serpent resting dormant at the base of the spine. This energy can be accessed and awakened through yoga, meditation or other spiritual practices, whereupon it ascends through the chakras, and transform consciousness to open up access to one's soul. When this inner Shakti is ignited, life is infused with a vibrant, embodied energy that brings forth more passion, flow and enthusiasm into life. It helps us discover our true selves.
Tapping into the qualities of playfulness, healing, awareness, nurturing and compassion associated with the feminine energy can help us to raise our consciousness and release those same elements within ourselves. When we are living from this place, we can set free our wild, feminine spirit, access the power of creation and become more in tune with the rhythm of life.
Are you curious about how to activate your own inner Shakti energy?
It’s about tuning in to your inner self so that you can express it outwardly. As we focus on aligning with our highest selves and connecting with our Shakti power, we begin to emanate this energy outwards into the world around us, which helps us to manifest our desires into reality.
These elements will be important elements on your inner journey;
TRUST - Life can be a winding road, and trust can provide us with security when the journey becomes tough. With trust, we can go through life more confidently, persist even though our future may be uncertain. Believe that everything will turn out as it should, even if we don't have all the answers and solutions straight away.
SURRENDER - By surrendering, we let go of our need to control everything and allow the flow of life to take us where we need to go. When we put aside our ego and mind, our inner wisdom can step forward.
AWARENESS - Be PRESENT. Remember that it’s possible to be aware in any situation, no matter the circumstances. Without awareness, impulsive behavior, rage, the past and worries about the future will shape your reality.
PLAYFULNESS - Allow yourself to release your desire for achievement. Drop the seriousness and bring in playfulness into your journey. Bring the playfulness into your meditation and yoga practice since we are often tempted to go into the doing and achieving mode even here. Give yourself permission to loosen up a bit.
REVERENCE/DEVOTION - This is about letting go, not overthinking, ruminating or overanalyzing things. Dropping down from the head is the starting point for abandoning our preconceived ideas and allowing devotion be our guiding light.
BE YOU - Embrace all aspects of YOU. Remember that you are not broken or in need to be fixed, your are a complete human being just as you are. The process of healing begins with love and self-acceptance, embodying the fullness of who you are.
5 ways to awakening the Shakti energy within
Tune in to stillness
Many of us have lost touch with our bodies and view it as a physical object that can be criticized and judged by others. We all go through difficult times in life, and if we don't allow ourselves to process these experiences, our emotions stay trapped inside of us as stagnant energy, causing us to harden. Create space each day to meet yourself. To become aware of your body and to notice what is present for you right now. Embrace whatever comes up - acknowledge the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing. Acknowledge the sensations that are present. If you focus your attention into your physical sensations, they will begin to uncover what is going on beneath the surface. These could include sensations such as tightness, tingling, lightness, heaviness, softness, warmth, cold, pressure etc. Allow yourself to simply feel, and exist in the moment - Accept whatever arises without judging yourself - simply observe it as it is.
This is a practice of self-love and acceptance. It's about seeing the wholeness of your being. It means acknowledging and embracing yourself and all that you are. To feel your feelings. Developing self-love is a long process since it entails changing old patterns of self-criticism and dealing with any hurtful experiences, but if you commit to show up for yourself everyday, just observing what is, without judgment, you will get there.
2. Move your body
Moving your body helps you to tap into the dynamic, ever-changing nature of the Shakti energy. Moving in ways that bring you pleasure will help to awaken your energy. Human beings were designed to move, to walk, run, bend, twist, extend, reach etc. Doing this not only feels good, but it also immediately shift your awareness into your body. It will ground you into the present moment, into the BEING mode. It is only by attuning to the here and now that we can truly get to know our authentic selves. So move in whatever way makes you feel alive - be it walking, running, yoga, dance, swimming or something else - to shift your energy levels and freeing yourself from unnecessary stress and built up tension.
By simply allowing the body to move, we open ourselves up to more fully connect within. Finding new ways to move can be a liberating experience, as it allows us to let go of our need to control everything in our lives. Instead, we can simply enjoy the moment for what it is. For some inspiration you can read about Embodied dance HERE.
3. Be with nature
Many of us in the West have become disconnected from the divine feminine power of creation because of how we live our lives, disconnected from nature. Nurturing your connection to nature is essential for developing a strong relationship with the feminine energy that flows through all of creation.
Attuning to the wisdom of nature has the power to bring us back to ourselves. Nature is a constant reminder that we are part of something larger. A reminder that the same energy that causes the seasons to come and go, and the flowers to bloom also exist within us. As above, so below. Connecting with nature allows us to tap into this incredible force, and recognizing that we are part of it, that we are Nature - the creative force of existence. Go out and spend time in nature, and let yourself be open to her presence. You may find yourself feeling more connected to the natural world around you, a connection that helps you remembering your true nature.
4. Slow down and just be
Most of the time we are in the "DOING” mode. Working towards various goals and trying to meet different expectations. In this state, our minds are occupied with all the "have to do", "must do", "should do" and "need to do". When we are caught up in our minds, thinking about the present, the future, and the past, we remain focused on the differences between our current state and what we want it to be. In contrast, when we enter "BEING” mode, we can give our complete attention to each moment as it unfolds, taking in its entirety with all its complexity.
In being mode, we do not strive to meet specific objectives, but rather to embrace and accept the present circumstances without urgency for change. Every now and then, allow yourself moments to just BE. Step away from the expectations and pressures of your day-to-day life, no expectations, no plans, no to-do list. In this state of awareness, we can truly pay attention to our innermost needs. When we are in the being mode, it’s so much easier to tap into our intuition. Although doing nothing may appear effortless, it can be difficult because of the distractions from our digital devices that constantly demand our attention. As with anything, it takes effort and practice, but the reward is worthwhile!
5. Connect with your intuition
Your female intuition is like your sixth sense, a powerful Inner Knowing. Take the time to get to know this part of you, and you will soon find that it is the most powerful source of knowledge and guidance that you have. To gain the ability of listening and recognizing our intuition will need effort, similar to a muscle that needs exercising in order to remain strong. One way of tapping into the intuition is through intuitive writing. Schedule some time everyday for journaling and write whatever comes to mind without overthinking it too much. As with any practice, consistency is key; showing up regularly will build up the intuitive muscles and strengthens our connection to our inner guidance.
Messages from our intuition tend to be quiet since our intuition speaks to us in a more subtle way through images, visions, words, or feelings. Spending time in silence will allow you to become more aware of and understand the messages your body is trying to tell you. Meditation is a good way to tap into this inner wisdom as it encourages openness towards receiving the wisdom your body has to offer.
Another way of cultivating your intuition is to engage in creative activities such as painting, dancing and writing. It could be anything that you are passionate about, anything that allows you to express yourself freely. As you become immersed in the present moment while engaging in the activity you love, it helps quiet the mind so that you are able to hear the subtler communication from within. Learn to distinguish this inner voice from the louder one of your mind.
Tap into your inner Shakti energy by this Awakening Shakti meditation on Insight Timer
Our innermost beings longs for the authentic experiences of life
It is human nature to want to solve all problems and puzzles but despite our efforts to gain more insight by accumulating knowledge, we must accept that not everything can be comprehended intellectually. The real secrets of life are outside the power of the mind to fathom. Understanding what it means to be human on this planet cannot be achieved simply by reading another book or studying another course, but instead must be experienced first-hand. The enigma of life needs to be lived fully in order to truly understand it.
“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.”