Beginnings, endings and baby steps
Hope for the future and peaceful remembrance intertwine in January, blurring the boundaries between what was and what will be. As January marks the period between the past and future, it is a time to contemplate what has happened in the year gone by, as well as plan for what lies ahead
Taking a moment to reflect on the past year, I find myself filled with gentle appreciation for all that I have been through. Rather than racing into the future, I like to start a new year in peaceful contemplation. Every experience is like a milestone on the road of life. By looking back at which experiences have enriched my life and which have weighed me down, I can more easily see what needs to be let go and what needs to be embraced. Taking time for reflection is incredibly useful in order to create a stronger foundation for your new dreams and wishes. By tending to your inner garden, you can help ensure that your new goals have a solid foundation on which to grow.
I used to not appreciate endings; I preferred starting something rather than completing it. However, when we become fixated on only beginnings we miss out on the beauty of a proper ending - which always has the capacity for something new. I am beginning to desire more purposeful conclusions in my life. Acknowledging that closure of something is a fertile ground for new seeds to grow. I believe that personal growth requires venturing into the unknown. We must be willing to exist in a place of nothingness and embrace both the joy and fear of letting go.
Small steps in the right direction will get you where you want to be faster than a giant leap forward followed by a stumble backward.
In January, the northern hemisphere experiences a gradual increase of sunlight after the winter solstice. Every day brings more light to behold, which is hopeful and promising. Despite this, the darkness and chill of January can be taxing on our bodies and minds. The end of the holidays can be tough. We may feel sluggish and drained, making even our best New Year's resolutions seem unattainable. The initial feelings of failure can arise before we even start to make the desired changes. From my point of view, self-kindness is one of the most important attitudes we can have going into the new year. It can have a tremendous impact on our personal growth and transformation. Instead of aiming for an all-or-nothing attitude towards changes, acknowledging even the smallest shifts in the right direction and realise its great potential is the deepest of insights.
January may not be the best month for major changes, but don't let that stop you from taking baby steps towards your future goals. The first step on your journey is always the hardest. You have to continue putting one foot in front of the other to get to where you want to go. To bring your dreams to fruition, first you need to recognize where you are at now in your life.
We are ever-changing creatures, constantly evolving and transforming through different stages in our lives. In this January newsletter, I'm sharing a simple exercise that I do a couple of times every month to check in with myself (sign up here) to try it out. Once you have a clear understanding of were you are in your life, you can begin taking just one small step in that direction. Trust that each step will get you closer to your goal and eventually lead to the greatest transformation of all.